Saturday 16 February 2013

Nature did well

 Frog Spawn
 Close Up
 Broad Beans
 Early Over Wintering  Onion
 More Daffodils waiting to burst into life
Hellebore common name (Christmas Rose)
Saturday 16th February Been a long time since the last post but I have not sat doing nothing still fighting through the packing cases & also decorated the front bedroom repaired the damp patch under the front window. What I hate with having so much stuff in boxes is having boxes & items all over the place, landing full & spare bedrooms full! been getting us down having so much bric-a-brac but we are slowly getting rid of it which is a good feeling, many books have gone we are just keeping the best.

If you have been following my blog since moving here you will know we purchased a new design gas Aga/Rayburn 480CD after the original gas Rayburn was all day & uncontrollable & also having a floor antiquated central heating boiler our gas bill was well over £1,000 so had to make changes. This Rayburn cost us £5.500 & been nothing but a pain in the butt.

Tuesday 5th the electric went off 2/3 times during the night I know this because we  have fire alarms connected to the house wiring & when it goes off the battery back up kicks in with bleeps. 

Wednesday 6th woke to find the Rayburn not work completely dead no heating or cooker! The technical department were a waste of time again! & when I rung local Rayburn plumbing engineers they have never worked on this model! when I asked about the electronic side of it they stated we  put the work over to a house wirer! but that is no good to me I knew the power was getting to the user interface but would not stop on! my only concern was the main PCB controller was a sealed unit but after a internet search it states if the unit has a zero on it it is working ok!
Anyway decided to fault find myself knowing I had a G&C in electronics found a blown capacitor on the user interface which was due to a power surge with the power electrics coming back on. Yes I cheated & ordered another board but even that was a nightmare getting it to here! Due to doggie walking left a note on front door stating leave parcel in porch! We started to get desperate with having no heating or cooker for over a week rung the company who told us the part was at the sorting office yet we had no card through door! Anyway sorting office in village only opens for an hour in the morning in desperation drove to sorting office & nearly knocked the door down! a guy answered I told him the story & he said come in we will look together!we looked on the shelves nothing!
He then stated if it was parcel force it is a separate company! & they leave parcels at the post office!!!! So over I went told them the story, yes was the answer back I expect it is here! Thankfully it was! I fitted the board & wow a warm house again we were so thankfully for our crock pot (slow cooker) with not having the cooker for over a week!

Anyway nature did us proud this week on the doggie walk noticed a otter on the river bank never seen one out of the water before only swimming in the river got out my mobile phone camera but by that time he was in the water staring at us & I did not catch him/her in the photo taken sadly. Then came home & noticed frog spawn in the small pond so thrilled but maybe a little early. Today we saw new born Spring lamb in the fields we are so lucky to have had a mild winter here in North Devon. Raised veg beds are doing well more snow drops & daffodils are ready to burst out plus the nights are getting lighter yippee.