Wednesday 28 October 2015

Berryhead Fort

A wonderful sunny morning was spent on Berryhead near Brixham ex Napoleonic fort the views were stunning on a clear day you can see across to Portland Bill in Dorset. There is a working lighthouse on the site and during the cold war 1958-1964  there was a cold war bunker which was run by Royal Observer Corps Volunteers  who monitored the threat of a nuclear explosion.                        

Brixham History

During our holiday we spent a whole day in Brixham and found out about the WW2 history and the half mile concrete breakwater built especially for the 2,500 American troops who were in training for the 4th June 1944 Utah beach landing. Whilst walking to the lighthouse at the end of the breakwater there was a young Cormorant who looked worn out and he or she was a posing for the camera.

Goodrington Steam Train

Had a fabulous week in Paignton could not have wished for better week sunshine all week it really was tee-shirt weather so good for October! this is a video I took from Goodrington I noticed a different walk from the beach going over the headland on the South West coastal path the views at the top were stunning.

Goodrington always evokes so many memories of my Mum & Dad & late Brother David as we all holiday in the area. Sadly the caravan park is now a housing estate. Dad would like to walk to the shops for his morning paper & I always remember a chemist with a sign outside it which read Don't Say Vinegar Say Sarsons again sadly those shops have disappeared to make way for a road widening & another new housing estate.

Thursday 13 August 2015

More Work Done on Swimming Pond

 Swollen Hand
 Normal Hand
 Long view of the pond
New boards fitted
Friday 7th August job for the day was to cut the 150 foot hedge on the left hand side of the meadow, was a warm sunny day so was dressed in shorts & tee-shirt. Got quarter way down got stung by a wasp! which at the time was painful and got stung 3 times in the finger. Sprayed on some inset spray put on my gloves! then carried on completing the job also cut all the grass. Whilst getting into a bath 3 hours later noticed my hand was very swollen. Thankfully was able to see a doctor at my surgery she prescribed antihistamines if the swelling has not gone down by morning ring 111. Woke on Saturday swelling had gone up my arm to my elbow!  I ended up in Bideford hospital! doctor was concerned of secondary infection! Arm end up in a sling for 3 days had to keep it above my heart also had a course of antibiotics. By Tuesday arm was feeling a lot better so out came the DIY tools I completed a job which should have been done ages ago which was fitting the boards to the swimming pond to hide the black liner. Rather pleased of the finish. Next project making filters for the pond & tidying up the air pipes from the air compressor the air stone are working a treat circulating the water.

Monday 29 June 2015


While in Paignton on holiday always do a visit to Greenway if you follow the link you will see more information on the stunning house & garden.

Took Beau a walk in the wooded area also into the garden with views down the river dart, you can arrive by boat to visit the house or take the steam train from Paignton and get off at the newly open train halt.

Found part of the garden we had not visited before mainly the veg growing area & the wonderful greenhouse.


Being by the harbour in Paignton we were also close to the footpath which took you into Goodrington Sands it was very popular with dog walkers. After the 1st May dogs are allowed on certain parts of the beach the winding walk took you down to the right side of the beach. The nice thing about the beach is the Paignton to Dartmouth steam train we passes close by during the day.

Sunday 28 June 2015


 Brixham working harbour

 A lot of steps to the houses!
 Looking back into Brixham from the battery gardens
 Lighthouse on the end of the quay

Whilst on holiday in Paignton we had a day out with a visit to Brixham with a large fishing industry we love the atmosphere of the town & quirky roads around the houses on the hill which look over the town. Walked along the coast path with Beau and came across the battery gardens stunning views of the sea.  While looking out to sea up from the water close to where I was standing came a seal never seen one in their environment before only ever seen them in a zoo. loved the history of the battery gardens sadly the museum was closed but hope to have another visit later in the year.


 Perfect Sign
 Court Yard
  Looking back into Paignton
 Great read with a glass of wine always have water in between the wine drinking
 Fairy Cove beach
 Paignton Harbour

In January booked up a early holiday with the shock news of David's passing thought we were going to cancel. Thankfully we were able to visit and it was just the tonic we needed.

The holiday cottage was the best we have ever stayed in close to the harbour, views over to Torquay from the bedroom, the house had a nautical theme throughout it was a wonderful week had to leave a day early due to someone booking a extra day.