Thursday 13 August 2015

More Work Done on Swimming Pond

 Swollen Hand
 Normal Hand
 Long view of the pond
New boards fitted
Friday 7th August job for the day was to cut the 150 foot hedge on the left hand side of the meadow, was a warm sunny day so was dressed in shorts & tee-shirt. Got quarter way down got stung by a wasp! which at the time was painful and got stung 3 times in the finger. Sprayed on some inset spray put on my gloves! then carried on completing the job also cut all the grass. Whilst getting into a bath 3 hours later noticed my hand was very swollen. Thankfully was able to see a doctor at my surgery she prescribed antihistamines if the swelling has not gone down by morning ring 111. Woke on Saturday swelling had gone up my arm to my elbow!  I ended up in Bideford hospital! doctor was concerned of secondary infection! Arm end up in a sling for 3 days had to keep it above my heart also had a course of antibiotics. By Tuesday arm was feeling a lot better so out came the DIY tools I completed a job which should have been done ages ago which was fitting the boards to the swimming pond to hide the black liner. Rather pleased of the finish. Next project making filters for the pond & tidying up the air pipes from the air compressor the air stone are working a treat circulating the water.