Wednesday 28 October 2015

Berryhead Fort

A wonderful sunny morning was spent on Berryhead near Brixham ex Napoleonic fort the views were stunning on a clear day you can see across to Portland Bill in Dorset. There is a working lighthouse on the site and during the cold war 1958-1964  there was a cold war bunker which was run by Royal Observer Corps Volunteers  who monitored the threat of a nuclear explosion.                        

Brixham History

During our holiday we spent a whole day in Brixham and found out about the WW2 history and the half mile concrete breakwater built especially for the 2,500 American troops who were in training for the 4th June 1944 Utah beach landing. Whilst walking to the lighthouse at the end of the breakwater there was a young Cormorant who looked worn out and he or she was a posing for the camera.

Goodrington Steam Train

Had a fabulous week in Paignton could not have wished for better week sunshine all week it really was tee-shirt weather so good for October! this is a video I took from Goodrington I noticed a different walk from the beach going over the headland on the South West coastal path the views at the top were stunning.

Goodrington always evokes so many memories of my Mum & Dad & late Brother David as we all holiday in the area. Sadly the caravan park is now a housing estate. Dad would like to walk to the shops for his morning paper & I always remember a chemist with a sign outside it which read Don't Say Vinegar Say Sarsons again sadly those shops have disappeared to make way for a road widening & another new housing estate.