Saturday 13 May 2017


 On the car ferry
 Fowey Lifeboat
 Wonderful house sign
 Name of House
 Roof top view of river
 Another roof top view
 River Ferry
Lighting shop in the village photo as little blurred
Always an enjoyable visit to Fowey weather was dry with a few clouds, being an ex BT auditor it was good to see so much new technology in the village with fibre optics being fed underground & overhead, sad I know that I noticed it.


A short video of the village of Polperro it is a very quaint fishing village thankfully not to busy as the holiday season had not started. The car park for the village is huge and very expensive!

Nostalgic Visit To Looe in Cornwall

 Outside the nightclub where I had my 18th birthday
 Looe beach 
 Looe old bridge
For my 18th birthday I holidayed in Looe at a caravan park never been back. Ros had never visited so booked a early stay in Polperro. We stayed in a barn 4 miles outside of Polperro which at the time of booking we did not know it was so far out! Sunday took the ferry over to Fowey then did the food shopping for the week at Sainsburys at Bodmin, Okay getting into Bodmin but a nightmare to get out took me an hour to find a lane to get back onto main road. As we arrived at the barn on Saturday my hand brake warning light came on I just thought a faulty switch how wrong was I. On Sunday driving back to barn the brakes failed! Thankfully managed to get the car back to the barn the 4 mile lane from Polperro was very narrow & full of pot holes hence why they split the brake pipes! On Monday recovery truck took me to Liskeard after a 5 hour wait the garage mechanic said will not be done today! okay have you got a courtesy car NO was the arrogant reply, you will have to take bus or train back to holiday let! 1-1/2 hour bus ride to Polperro then a taxi to the barn got in at 5pm L next day had taxi all the way back to Liskeard so with final bill £280 & only done half the job! To top of the week Ros slipped in the en-suite room bruising her side so we came back a day early was glad to get back home. The garage in Liskeard only did half a job so on the Monday the front pipes had to be changed another £150 bill should have sold the car years ago we have had so much work done to it nearly new!  

Ros Had A Fall

Well what a start to the year!
Saturday 14th January Ros got up out of chair at 10 pm & said I am going to bed I will let Beau out. I was finishing off watching a program and switching everything off. I then thought Ros has been a long time I walked out the back door flood light switches on automatically and there is stood Ros crying with blood over her face! I said what the hell has happened, I don't know was the answer! Looks like you have fallen over, she smashed her glasses, cut above her eye brow, face, arm & knee were grazed, watch was broken. She was more upset breaking her glasses! She is 5ft 9 got osteoporosis so could have been a lot worse thankfully no bones broken. Outside the back door is a tarmaced parking area I think she hit it face down. On the Sunday took her to Bideford Minor Injuries unit and on Monday took her to Barnstaple A&E for a CT scan but they did not give her one due to radiation! Checked blood pressure & another ECG all clear, they think she got up to quickly. The black eye and other bruises on her shoulder arms and legs. Really shook her up for a few days and lost her appetite so it was soups for evening meals. I was doing dressing for off couple of weeks.  I purchased a new torch XML-T6 LED torch it lights up the garden used by the police & military.  I also watch her get up in the mornings once she is on her feet. She now has her new glasses she had been using 10 year old ones which did not help her eye but it was them or not see at all being short sighted. Her old ones were only 12 months old a cost we could do without, but glasses can be repaired quickly bodies take longer. We looked a right pair with our silly glasses on I was wearing my ex BT safety glasses due to the coating on mine breaking down only 2 weeks out of guarantee L Again just over 12 months old. They were sent off to Nikon who stated been by heat! In the end had to have new lenses another £100 spent.