Sunday 7 July 2024

Been a long time now 2024

 July 2024.

Been a long time since I have done a blog. Lots has happened. 

Lost my Mum & Brother. Long story do not want to bore you. David left £200.000 but no will all money went to mum who had zero life dementia. BUPA kept her alive for 5 years purely for the money. December 2019 I rung the home told them the £200.000 had gone and in 2020 she will become council funded they withdrew all her drugs and within 2 weeks she had slipped away.  Utter disgrace.

We sadly lost our rescue doggie Beau who moved down to North Devon with us. That was a real shock how it happened and was not happy at all with the vet. He is buried in the meadow which he loved.

The house was so empty without him. So we went Margaret Green Rescue Centre had a 3 night stay in Dorset and picked up Bertie Greyhound an ex Irish Racer he was very fast in his day he won 3 firsts 2 seconds and 1 third. Made the owner £3.200 in one season, sadly he was retired with two broken metacarpals.He is all mended but with a slight flat foot. It was a steep learning curve taking on a greyhound but has settled in a treat. A very clean boy and regular and I get up at 8am every morning for him. He has lost a lot of muscle mass with the change of diet but new vet very happy with him. He hates having his nails trimmed. He loves his zoomies in the 3/4 acre garden and he is a real lounger especially on his outdoor bed in the sunshine he loves his freedom from the cage he was looked up in for 4 years. 

April 27th we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary and July 4th was my 70th birthday.
Champagne was very nice on both special occasion. This was after a visit to NT Arlington Court.

On the radio front my Amateur Radio hobby I have got back into Morse Code after a 32 year lapse with older brain matter. 19.5.1985 I took my 12 WPM send and receive morse Code exam at Portishead radio which has sadly all been knocked down. Back in 1985 to operate the HF bands I had to become a class A  operator. Since morse Code in shipping has been replaced by satellite communications the exam for Amateur Radio has been dropped. Thankfully Radio Amateurs are still using Morse Code in the hobby and a lot of new licensees are using it so a big surge with the mode. I practice every day with CW files on the PC and I also have an interface to help with my sending.

One of the reasons I got back into CW was because of the SOE brave men and women who would drop behind enemy lines with a suitcase radio in WWII set up in a field or bard and sen messages back to England. I love to read books about SOE and Bletchley Park and what Turin did to bring the end of the war earlier.