Sunday 7 October 2012

Max Gate

 Sitting Room
 Hardy's Typewriter
 Hardy's Monument 
Information Board
View from Caravan
Sunday 24th September Wow what a wet & wild night & being so close to the sea thankfully the caravan was anchored down all across the UK everyone suffered about 2 inches (50mm) of rain & strong winds. Did not want to stop in all day so drove to Hardy's Max Gate a house near Dorchester
The volunteers were surprised to see us due to the heavy rain but a warm welcome received  This is Hardy's second home with his second wife who was 40 years his junior! When we came out the rain had become lighter so a tour of the area in the car was had & noticed a sign for Hardy's Monument! was a drive up to Black Down if the day would have been clearer the views would be stunning. Finished off in Bridport at Waitrose our favourite supermarket for a weeks food shop & a bottle or two.

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