Friday 30 November 2012

Leper Fields

 Sign outside the two Leper Fields
 Field on left
 Field on right
 Looking down into Taddiport
Looking over to common walks & up to our village

Friday 30th November Had our first really white frosty start to the morning on Thursday so winter is well & truly upon us. Due to car being frozen up on driveway which is north facing & this time of year the back of the house never gets the sunshine it was just a local walk with Beau. On yesterday's walk looking down to Taddiport said to Ros that would be a good walk in the village, so today parked near the river now thankfully gone down with all the rain we have had! Looked down many times to the Leper Fields from our village but not close up, the village of Taddiport is famous for being a Leper colony & they were put down there to stop mixing with other people & the strips allocated to grow all their own food. Each year a festival is held to celebrate the Lepers from the 14th Century & all money goes to charity. The walk was about a mile & half a little cold but was well wrapped up.

After the walk it was lunch then up to the recycle centre with garden cuttings from dead heading in the week then a visit to RHS Rosemoor with a few purchased made & a visit into the village for banking & post office & yes we still have a bank & post office in our village which is becoming rarer these days I still think villages should be self sufficient with cost of fuel & government making people drive out further what should be local. Sorry on soap-box I digressed.

Update on sitting room all decorating done & room back to normal I have been sorting out shack/study did not realise how much junk was in the cupboards, the study is the old maids room with pine cupboards & yes someone who lived here had a maid/servant & we still have the bell box in the room. No more dead fish in the small pond & if you follow the blog you will understand that comment. Anyway we are battening down the hatches for snow the pantry has been stocked for winter after last years minus 18 & roads were grid locked. Long life milk is in stock & a bread maker purchased & home brew wine as a back up can you tell we were brought up in the 1950s our mum's always had a pantry/store cupboard hard to let the tradition go & why if it works yes I know 24 hour supermarkets but not in our village!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Village Walk

 Obelisk on the commons 
 Looking over to RHS Rosemoor
Looking down the valley into Tadiport 
I think a puff ball mushroom

Been some time since I did a posting & have done two this afternoon. So what have I been up to taken down four trees the three at the bottom of the meadow close to common land were saplings which had got out of hand & causing me to worry that the pressure being put onto a old tree with a bowing branch which could cause it to snap & if that did break, down it could come onto some one walking on the footpath. So the electric chain saw came out & job was done with a big saving on cost & I have the logs for the open fire.  The other one was a specimen fir tee which was close to the house & the neighbours moaned about it taking out their light & it was also taking ours out as well! now it is down I will be able to fit my HF vertical aerial in the space (Radio Ham talk) anyway after doing all the physical work been suffering again with acid reflux & got told off by my doctor & was told to rest until the end of the year she said I thought you took early retirement!
After the joy of having new baby fish in the pond came a disaster. Ros was concerned the baby fish where unable to feed from the adult floating food so was asked to grind up the adult food in the pestal & mortar which I did every day sadly we poisoned the small fish with kindness! after a water test we found out to much ammonia in water! so home we came & I took out 30 buckets of water & put in fresh rain water & a good clean around still lost about 20 small fish but still loads left!
Then another problem arose! I replaced the last cast-iron down-spout outside & found it to be broken! the rain had been soaking into the wall indoors so the newly decorated wall & old Victorian prints & picture  soaked up the water & ruined them with mould! thankfully I was able to scan in the in-laws photo & re-touch it up in one of my photo programs then re-printed onto photographic paper & that is now at the picture framers been re-done. Had the dehumidifier on for the last two weeks today finished off the fine filler & will paint on the damp proof paint tomorrow & hopefully put up the lining paper on Friday then repaint the wall next week.
Raised veg beds have been dug over & the over wintering Japanese onions are planted also planted Chinese Salad Tatsoi Tahtsai an unusual vegetable which is perfect for Autumn planting & incredibly cold hardy they can be used for salads, soups or oriental stir-fry.

Army Display

 Nice collection
 Now that is fire power
 Back Pack
 Same one different angle
SAS display
Junker Morse key
Did a local village walk today with doggie on way back home called into the pannier market & came across a very interesting Army display from WW2 to Falklands & up to the modern day what attracted me being a radio ham was the communications items especially the back packs. The displays with photo boards was put on to raise money for the poppy appeal for all the war veterans. The above Morse key is a German Junker purchased it on Sunday at Holsworthy radio rally & still in original box just got to solder on a new plug it is a joy to use & looking forward to using it live on air.