Friday 29 March 2013

Good Friday Walk

 Halsdon Nature Reserve
 River Torridge
 Blue water 
 Looking back up the river
 The old Victorian corn mill
 Looking over River Torridge to Bideford
 Bideford Old Bridge
Looking down river to Torridge bridge
Friday 29th March it has been a busy week in North Devon well at this house for me it has! after having critical updates from Microsoft & finding out computer was a struggle to reboot & after many searches on Google decided to do a factory reset only to find out that it was coincidence that the switch on the computer also went faulty! so it was a week spending hours reloading software & having to load new drivers even though the software was for Win7 my HP printer took six attempts to get it on the computer! Then I thought I had lost hours of electronic ham radio contact logging but in the end found a ADIF file so was able to load some of it! I decided only to put on confirmed QSL cards rather than re-type in my log books. 
In the week went to PC World & purchased a Seagate Terabyte portable hard drive for £59 do not want to lose all the software again! On the way back home stopped off in Bideford & had to take some photos off the quay.
Yesterday with the sun & little less wind chill planted the asparagus bed dug up Jerusalem artichokes a brilliant over winter veg dug out another thug grass & planted a clematis & few small plants. With the time I had left got my brand new welder out & welded the bracket to steel scaffold pole which the winch will attach to not the best welding in the world some one say looked like mouse droppings & that was said on many occasions when I worked for a fire engine company but it is amazing what a angle grinder can do lol. Then came in sat at the computer & started to put my QSL cards into the electronic log book great to see that I had achieved Worked All States award now got to input them all to see if on multiple bands.

Today is Easter Good Friday & was seduced by the sunny start & thought it would be a coastal path doggie walk but due to the wind chill went for the first time to The Devon Wildlife Trust at Dolton & the Halsdon Nature Reserve & we were not disappointed.

The wildlife trust is in it's 50th year of protecting wildlife. It does circle Charlie Watts house the famous Rolling Stones drummer with his excellent security at least 10 noisy dogs in his grounds but they are doing a great job! The sun was out all the time we were in the nature reserve & protected from the wind chill spoke to a lovely couple who gave us the history to the area with the Victorian Corn Mill & the paths were old carriage paths where the Lord of the manor would show off his grounds, you can see some more wonderful photos at Halsdon Reserve

Then is was back home to get the washing in all dried out in the fresh air love the smell of fresh dried washing. Tonight for evening meal is fish was always told from a young age it is unlucky not to eat fish on Good Friday as it was Jesus day & yes we are superstitious & Christians. 

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