Tuesday 30 July 2013


When Ros & I was sat outside the summerhouse having evening meal we noticed Swallows started dipping into the pond for water & during a couple of weeks I have taken loads of stills on the DSLR camera. Just recently at a car boot picked up a digital video camera for £2!!! did not think it would work but was thrilled to catch the Swallows dipping on film! only last week mum & dad returned with their babies & they were back & forth feeding them & about 4 days ago we had the most enjoyable 5 minutes being entertained by the youngsters keep dipping into the pond sometimes twice at a time. Sadly I did find a dead one on the grass one morning but do not think it was the killer cat as they are so fast swallows. Anyway hope you enjoy the short video clip.

Radio Amateur (Ham Radio) posting

 Concrete drying
 Can you see it!
 What a nice sight
Mast 30 metres away from house
My recently new purchase arrived from Tennamast & was excited to get it erected I had dug the hole out & put in the socket & hand concreted it in. The mast arrived via courier & with the help of the driver & me giving him a tip we carried it into the meadow. My friend John M0JKL came up & help me lift it onto the ground post & left me to put on the winch & wire & also fix the rotator cage. Still awaiting the Hexbeam to arrive will be happy to have a mast which will winch up & over & a beam that I can work the world from, if I suffer power loss there is always a linear lol.

Swimming project now finished

You can see from the photo above I did not finish off the the pond board walk but as you can see from the 1st photo at the top of this posting it is all completed & rubber liner hidden.
Like all of the UK had a spell of recently warm sunny weather which went on into warm evenings. Was really nice to have a dip & cool off.  Ros & I have been married for 39 years & have never ever sat out so much in the evenings & enjoying meals alfresco normally we have been working on houses after finishing our paid work day.
Did have a problem with the rope on board walk after a few evenings of rain the rope went bar tight & pulled over a post & bracket so that was an extra repair job.

Mortehoe Church Visit

On the way back from my birthday we stopped in Mortehoe & visited the church Mortehoe Church the link is very interesting & so it the church. Also visited Morte point & found some nice walks but that will be for another day.

Birthday Treat

 Looking out to sea
 Looking down to Hele Bay
 Beau & I at Lee open gardens
 What an outlook from garden
 Pimms on the terrace
Glimpse of a view from woodland
July 30th It has been so long since my last post & have so much to report. This posting is about my wonderful sunny birthday I had on the 4th July.
For some time now we had seen in the National Gardens Scheme (NGS) yellow book a open garden at Cliffe Lee Bay near Ilfracombe & it happened to be open starting the 1st July so a trip was organised. First we stopped off in Coombe Martin for a charity shop mooch then on the way in had a picnic lunch looking down into Hele bay with spectacular coastal views. Then it was onto the open garden & we were not disappointed more stunning views, the original Victorian garden would have had 8 gardeners! these days there are just 3 ladies & a brilliant job they are doing  in the 5 acres with a wooded area but that was a steep climb for Beau & I, Ros sat on the terrace, wise lady.