Tuesday 30 July 2013

Radio Amateur (Ham Radio) posting

 Concrete drying
 Can you see it!
 What a nice sight
Mast 30 metres away from house
My recently new purchase arrived from Tennamast & was excited to get it erected I had dug the hole out & put in the socket & hand concreted it in. The mast arrived via courier & with the help of the driver & me giving him a tip we carried it into the meadow. My friend John M0JKL came up & help me lift it onto the ground post & left me to put on the winch & wire & also fix the rotator cage. Still awaiting the Hexbeam to arrive will be happy to have a mast which will winch up & over & a beam that I can work the world from, if I suffer power loss there is always a linear lol.

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