Friday 5 December 2014

Lower Brockhampton Court with Malvern Hills and Ledbury

 Lower Brockhampton Court
 House & Lake
 On top of the hills
 Panoramic View from the hills
Damn that bloke walking into my photo!

Sunday was another busy but very enjoyable day. Had arranged to see my good friend Steve G4ZWY a radio ham like myself.  We were a little early so it was a quick visit to Lower Brockhampton court but did not realise it had opened up more rooms which used to be used by a tenant so now the house is back to how it would have looked when it was a family home but this made me late to see Steve who had not had his Sunday dinner! Steve and I used to chase stateside stations when I lived in Worcester. I sadly sold the tower & beam when I moved to Malvern due to antenna restriction plus I did not have the garden. Steve has gone on to great things and now in the top ten operators in the world for chasing DX (meaning distance worked) his shack is the best ever I have visited he is such a slick dedicated operator sadly only had a short time with Steve could have stayed there all week with him! We had to leave early had a invite to Tenbury Wells for a meal with old friends who recently moved from Redditch to their new/very old Elizabethan house which they have been working on so much and we were not disappointed it was a stunning house and great meal. Could not stop too late in the night the fog came down thick and fast and it was a long drive back to the bungalow in Colwall.
The photo of Ledbury was taken on the Saturday before the trip home always enjoyed visiting Ledbury when we lived in Malvern as our old doggie Biggles was not walking to good Ledbury is on the flat and was much easier for him to walk. This walk also brought back loads of happy memories.
During the stay in Colwall I had no phone signal and no WI-FI but I did have signals on my Baofeng hand held radio, so the joy for me every morning was listening on 2 metres to the Cheltenham net at 8am then the Hereford net at 9am both on every morning. 

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