Wednesday 9 March 2016

Frog Spawn Only Pond

 1st Version in it's raw state was going to tidy it up.
 Completed Pre-Formed
 Just another angle
Frog Spawn in

Over the last two years we have lost our frog spawn to the goldfish or the frost. We have some new frog spawn so decided to put into a separate pond purely for the frog or even toads. After putting in the swimming pond I had some butyl left over but it was in strips. Purchased the special glue from the pond shop did it all correctly left it for 3 days to cure and covered it at night. Fitted it in then filled the pond with water sadly the next day it was completely empty. Was gutted. Went to the pond shop told the manager the problem and he kindly said I have a cheap pre-formed pond you can have! Which was a nice gesture. Ros called into the local shop purchased a box of biscuits for the tea club always think kindness has to be rewarded. Got it home but need to dig out more soil & stone but now all in with a few stones around the edge the nice thing about the pre-formed pond is there is a slope built in to allow the frogs/toads to get out easy.  

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