Tuesday 25 June 2013

New Shed

 New shed erected & thug grasses taken out so newly planted area
 Runner beans doing well
 Love to see self seeded fox gloves
 Wild meadow
 What a lovely sight
 Grass cut around the wildlife area
June 25th Been a great warm start to the week shed arrived on Saturday morning at 5am did not realise it had arrived, Monday got the floor down & the sided up & today put on the roof felted it put in the windows & hung the doors so another busy day. Formal garden & meadow looking a treat this year had two boilings of broad-beans & so pleased to count 10 bees on one plant in the meadow as we call it plus the wildlife area is also attracting the bees & butterflies so good to be an organic gardener know nothing is sprayed in the garden.
Next job on the list is to dig out a 1 metre by 1 metre by 0.5 metre deep hole for my new 9.2 metre post mounted Tennamast which should be arriving in 4 weeks time (Radio Amateur talk)

More photos of vintage day

 USA Army Truck
 Jeep with mother & daughter dress in vintage
 Loved this camper trailer bed inside
 Kitchen at rear
 Vintage VW camper to pull trailer
 50s dolls house
 Vintage kitchen cabinet
 Budlake Post office
 New touched since it was left in 1950
Just a few more photos of our lovely weekend on the way back home noticed a open garden scheme at Winkleigh so did that on the Sunday but it was a bitter cold wind! so different from today been a wonderful sunny day in North Devon.

Killerton Vintage Day

June 22nd We had planed a visit to National Trust property with the added bonus of a Vintage Fair with something for everyone, Ros was also dressed up in her 50's outfit would have posted a photo of her but she hates to be in the public eye never uses social net work sites leaves it all to me ha ha. The vintage fair really had a great buzz to the day despite the weather which was cloudy bit thankfully no rain

Sunday 16 June 2013

Bridgerule Open Gardens

 Restored Water Mill
 Back of the mill
 Front of the mill
 Sweet baby ducklings huddled together
 Running wild
 Chickens having a wander around as well
June 16th Despite the rain showers we had planed a garden open day in Bridgerule half way between Bude & Holsworthy & we were not disappointed it was National Open Garden day all across the country & these open gardens were in aid of Devon/Cornwall air ambulance. We also picked up some nice plants & met some really nice people one place we visited the young lady of the house collected Dolls Teddy Bears & Dolls Prams & she had the room to display them what was really nice Ros & Janet got on so well because Ros collects Dolls & Teddy Bears so I am expect a great friendship starting with the love of what they enjoy collecting & such a nice lady & they have a doggie like our Beau. We also visited the Bridge Mill which sells Organic flour!

Friday 14 June 2013

Tolpuddle Martyrs

 Inside Tolpuddle Church
 James Hammett Grave
 Monument to Thomas Hardy
 Thomas Hardy Birthplace
Inside his veg bed garden
Last posting about the wonderful Dorset holiday otherwise it becomes like the boring holiday photos no one likes to see ha ha.
During the week we visited again Tolpuddle Martyrs Museum & also Thomas Hardy Birth Place  where he grew up as a child these places are always worth more visits as you see something different each time & the history which goes with them is fascinating.

Thursday 13 June 2013

West Bexington Dorset

 What a lovely sign
 Tamerisk veg sell shop
 Meat shop
 Organic fields by the sea what a location
 Grass Snake (Slow worm) harmless!
 Love these signs
 South West Coast path
 Beach Art
Close up of the beach art
West Bexington is a stunning location in Dorset such a treat to stop in this wonderful location I can fully understand how our accommodation owners chose such a nice place to spend the last 49 years as Organic farmers in meat & veg 

Dorset Wind & Rain

 Notice boards
 Another notice board
 Watching the Wind & Rain

 Beach fishermen
Wrapped up again the wind
Then the sun came out again
On our eight day Dorset holiday we did have one day of rain & strong winds but it was good to see the coast line in a different light something quite romantic sat safely indoors looking through the windows with the wind howling & the sea roaring in. The fishermen  who make there living from the sea are very brave people one minute the sea is calm & the next rolling waves smashing again the beach