Tuesday 25 June 2013

New Shed

 New shed erected & thug grasses taken out so newly planted area
 Runner beans doing well
 Love to see self seeded fox gloves
 Wild meadow
 What a lovely sight
 Grass cut around the wildlife area
June 25th Been a great warm start to the week shed arrived on Saturday morning at 5am did not realise it had arrived, Monday got the floor down & the sided up & today put on the roof felted it put in the windows & hung the doors so another busy day. Formal garden & meadow looking a treat this year had two boilings of broad-beans & so pleased to count 10 bees on one plant in the meadow as we call it plus the wildlife area is also attracting the bees & butterflies so good to be an organic gardener know nothing is sprayed in the garden.
Next job on the list is to dig out a 1 metre by 1 metre by 0.5 metre deep hole for my new 9.2 metre post mounted Tennamast which should be arriving in 4 weeks time (Radio Amateur talk)

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