Sunday 16 June 2013

Bridgerule Open Gardens

 Restored Water Mill
 Back of the mill
 Front of the mill
 Sweet baby ducklings huddled together
 Running wild
 Chickens having a wander around as well
June 16th Despite the rain showers we had planed a garden open day in Bridgerule half way between Bude & Holsworthy & we were not disappointed it was National Open Garden day all across the country & these open gardens were in aid of Devon/Cornwall air ambulance. We also picked up some nice plants & met some really nice people one place we visited the young lady of the house collected Dolls Teddy Bears & Dolls Prams & she had the room to display them what was really nice Ros & Janet got on so well because Ros collects Dolls & Teddy Bears so I am expect a great friendship starting with the love of what they enjoy collecting & such a nice lady & they have a doggie like our Beau. We also visited the Bridge Mill which sells Organic flour!

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