Thursday 17 July 2014

Birthday Treat

 Front entrance
 Interesting history to the harbour 
 Family life in the fishing village
 Some of the children dolls
 Early photo of Irsha street
 Ex ships figure head
 Looking over to Instow from the museum 
 Nice reading
What a birthday treat
For my birthday really did not want to go far, always hated driving on a Friday's when working, everyone was in a hurry to get back home for the weekend yet there are more accidents on a Friday then any other day of the week.

We live by the sea and I just wanted a relaxing day. So I decided to have a visit to the Appledore Maritime museum been there many years ago but it was a quick visit.

First it was a walk on the beach at Instow with Beau, then a trip over to Appledore for lunch at the Seagate Hotel where doggies are allowed in the seating area. Then the rain came down in fact it poured down but we were going to visit the museum. Was not disappointed it was better than I remember the exhibits & displays were excellent a really enjoyable birthday treat.

Had some lovely presents and thrilled with my books especially one which came from the Falklands, our dear friend Penny & her partner are working in the Falklands for the Attorney General office. Ros used to work with Penny & have been friends ever since. Penny knows I am a radio ham and also knew about the story of the radio ham who was the only guy in communications with the Falklands when the war was on still have the paper cuttings to this day. So to receive a book called The Silent Listener was exciting because that is the sort of book I like to read & collect which take pride and place in the radio shack/study. The other book which is a great read is Bradshaw's Railway guide only a facsimile but the same book used by Michael Portillo on his excellent BBC2 railway program she also got me the Monty Don & Secret Listener. Wendy another friend from Worcester gave me the SAS survival guide in the wild, on land or at sea. Also had money for the radio fund :-)

Came home and started and completed the 3 bottles of Champagne well it was a special birthday.

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