Thursday 16 October 2014

Open Gardens

October 16th not done a blog for quite a few months due to it being a very busy DIY year! these photos I forgot to post from June! we have had a great warm summer & one thing we like to do is visit open gardens. Parracombe is a small village near Ilfracombe and an open garden scheme we have never visited. The added bonus was the church was open & we do like a visit to a church the stain glass was stunning as always & a nice feel to the place. From the church you can see the remains of Holwell Castle! The open gardens were delightful one was a mill garden with the restored wheel made in Barnstaple! a pottery studio in the garden of one with a penny farthing propped up against the wall. I also noticed a radio ham antenna ha ha always good to see what other hams are using for antenna. Met some really nice garden owners stood chatting with one owner when she was saying to visitors help yourself to the raspberry's pick what you want.

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