Wednesday 22 October 2014

Torre Abbey (Part 1)



Just recently had a week holiday in Paignton known as the English Riviera. Before the holiday started I picked up a cold (Man Flu) I woke on Saturday morning to a mouthful of cold sores I was not happy. Sunday 5th October my face had got worse looked like I had scolding hot water poured on my face (not a pretty sight) did a beach walk with Beau people were staring and my face was hurting. Called into Boots & saw the pharmacist he took one look at me & said cream will be no good for you a prescription for tablets is required!  but I am on holiday was my reply! he said ring 111 they will help you! spoke to a really nice lady on the phone but felt so helpless in a town I did not know, especially when she asked the postcode of Boots! I did not know what street I was in! the lady said a doctor will be ringing you within two hours. Within an hour the mobile phone rang had a chat to the doctor who felt I needed to see a doctor face to face! so he gave me the postcode for Paignton cottage hospital! was told I had an infection on infection! ended up with two lots of tablets one lot 5 times a day other 3 times a day & thankfully they started working straight away. Got to say the NHS did me proud.

After the visit to the hospital and a lot of running around by me had to take Beau for a walk. Came across Torre Abbey a English Heritage building we have never visited, due to the lateness of the day and it being Sunday put it in the dairy to visit on the Thursday & we were not disappointed I have done 3 postings with just some photos of the day it was a very interesting abbey.

During the week we also visited National Trust properties Greenway Coleton Fishacre and Saltram on our way back home on the Saturday but that is another blog posting.

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