Monday 29 June 2015


While in Paignton on holiday always do a visit to Greenway if you follow the link you will see more information on the stunning house & garden.

Took Beau a walk in the wooded area also into the garden with views down the river dart, you can arrive by boat to visit the house or take the steam train from Paignton and get off at the newly open train halt.

Found part of the garden we had not visited before mainly the veg growing area & the wonderful greenhouse.


Being by the harbour in Paignton we were also close to the footpath which took you into Goodrington Sands it was very popular with dog walkers. After the 1st May dogs are allowed on certain parts of the beach the winding walk took you down to the right side of the beach. The nice thing about the beach is the Paignton to Dartmouth steam train we passes close by during the day.

Sunday 28 June 2015


 Brixham working harbour

 A lot of steps to the houses!
 Looking back into Brixham from the battery gardens
 Lighthouse on the end of the quay

Whilst on holiday in Paignton we had a day out with a visit to Brixham with a large fishing industry we love the atmosphere of the town & quirky roads around the houses on the hill which look over the town. Walked along the coast path with Beau and came across the battery gardens stunning views of the sea.  While looking out to sea up from the water close to where I was standing came a seal never seen one in their environment before only ever seen them in a zoo. loved the history of the battery gardens sadly the museum was closed but hope to have another visit later in the year.


 Perfect Sign
 Court Yard
  Looking back into Paignton
 Great read with a glass of wine always have water in between the wine drinking
 Fairy Cove beach
 Paignton Harbour

In January booked up a early holiday with the shock news of David's passing thought we were going to cancel. Thankfully we were able to visit and it was just the tonic we needed.

The holiday cottage was the best we have ever stayed in close to the harbour, views over to Torquay from the bedroom, the house had a nautical theme throughout it was a wonderful week had to leave a day early due to someone booking a extra day.

Welland near Malvern

Britsmorton Common
The old cider press now in the garden
The old cider press now the holiday let
Owners live close by
Looking down into Malvern

Croome Lake
Information board
Newly restored ice house

Back in March a week was booked for David's funeral and to clear the house he lived in and also find a care home for my mum, being in hospital she was classed as a bed blocker so she was put into a temporary respite home. A care home was found in Malvern, wish now David would have done this sooner he could be still here spending his money.

At short notice managed to find the Cider Press holiday let even though it was far from a holiday!it was very nice location but terrible for mobile phone signal or WI-FI even though it was advertised with having WI-FI. The garden was very secure for Beau and the lady kindly allowed us to leave Beau in the let on the day of the funeral. not that he was left more than 5 hours plus he had a good walk before we left.

The plan for Sunday was to go to the house before the council workers cleared it mum was never coming back to the house and it is 3 bedroom so the council wanted it. Found that day very upsetting came out with 3 bags of mainly photos and a couple of Royal Worcester figures which were seconds! David worked for the company for 20 years he worked in the clay works he would bring home to mum the lady figures which mum liked. Upsetting coming out with just 3 plastic bags after he had lived there for 65 years but I have wonderful memories from when we were kids in the same bedroom and I have all the photos which could have easily been thrown away.The rest of the week was manic with bank appointments the funeral and collecting the ashes. When mum passes on we are going to put Davids ashes in a casket and he will be buried in the double grave with mum and dad at least they will be together again.

Did manage a few doggie walks in Malvern and did a quick visit to Croome Court Croome if you follow the link you will see a stunning place. When we lived in Malvern we saw the restoration from the beginning and when back in Worcester always try and have a visit to see the updates even though some are very quick visits around the place. Was good to see the restored ice house.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Remembering David

 Nunnery Wood School Photo
 Few Years Later
 Getting Older
 On Holiday
 Looking very smart 
 With mum & Jason in his heavy rock years hence the long hair
 David and Blogger
One of the last photos taken of him collecting the cup for winning the skittles league.

March 22nd 2015  A very sad day I lost my brother David, he had only been retired 4 months after working for 50 years solid. Such a sad ending to his life. He lived in the same house for 64 years never got married but enjoyed his single life with many of his friends. He enjoyed his drink a game of cards, crib & skittles. He never owned a computer or a mobile phone so this is a tribute to him and putting him on the world wide web. He loved his music Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker and we both enjoyed David Bowie. Loved his football especially his beloved Manchester United. 

As the years went by mum & dad got older and in the end Dad had terminal cancer and wanted to be nursed at home he hated hospitals. David nursed him to the end I lived in Malvern at the time and would pop in every day. After dad passed away mum went downhill David took on the role of doing everything around the house and shopping for food. Mum has gone into further decline and now in the last stages of dementia after she collapsed and put into hospital 5 weeks later David passed away. Used to visit them both twice a year and would ring weekly for an update.

After mum went into hospital I started ringing David everyday he sounded lonely but not once did he say to me he was in pain 2 weeks before he passed away I was unable to contact him was trying all day and texting my eldest brother who lives 15 miles away but he was busy with red nose day at school so could not pop over, in the end I rung the police who found him on the floor with low blood pressure but he refused to go into hospital he was stubborn just like my dad. Two weeks later he was found on the settee by the doctor who called in on the previous Monday she was so worried about him. Sadly it was a wasted death he should be still here today he had a burst ulcer on his bowel and died from peritonitis if he would have gone to hospital after my concern for him he could have been operated on.

I look now and realise what a toll it took on his own life as a carer and holding down a full time job when talking to him he did say he felt like he had a breakdown and I think that what what was masking his thoughts on going to hospital. Maybe he thought once the pain had gone he would be on the up who knows sadly only him

David was a deep thinker not a big conversationalist but a wonderful brother, we shared a bedroom as kids and shared our fun & laughs he is sadly missed, do miss talking to him on the phone.

Rest in Peace David I just wished you would have spent some of that money you saved for over the years and could have started to live your life. It now looks like all your savings is going to a care home now mum is inheriting your money.