Thursday 11 June 2015

Remembering David

 Nunnery Wood School Photo
 Few Years Later
 Getting Older
 On Holiday
 Looking very smart 
 With mum & Jason in his heavy rock years hence the long hair
 David and Blogger
One of the last photos taken of him collecting the cup for winning the skittles league.

March 22nd 2015  A very sad day I lost my brother David, he had only been retired 4 months after working for 50 years solid. Such a sad ending to his life. He lived in the same house for 64 years never got married but enjoyed his single life with many of his friends. He enjoyed his drink a game of cards, crib & skittles. He never owned a computer or a mobile phone so this is a tribute to him and putting him on the world wide web. He loved his music Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker and we both enjoyed David Bowie. Loved his football especially his beloved Manchester United. 

As the years went by mum & dad got older and in the end Dad had terminal cancer and wanted to be nursed at home he hated hospitals. David nursed him to the end I lived in Malvern at the time and would pop in every day. After dad passed away mum went downhill David took on the role of doing everything around the house and shopping for food. Mum has gone into further decline and now in the last stages of dementia after she collapsed and put into hospital 5 weeks later David passed away. Used to visit them both twice a year and would ring weekly for an update.

After mum went into hospital I started ringing David everyday he sounded lonely but not once did he say to me he was in pain 2 weeks before he passed away I was unable to contact him was trying all day and texting my eldest brother who lives 15 miles away but he was busy with red nose day at school so could not pop over, in the end I rung the police who found him on the floor with low blood pressure but he refused to go into hospital he was stubborn just like my dad. Two weeks later he was found on the settee by the doctor who called in on the previous Monday she was so worried about him. Sadly it was a wasted death he should be still here today he had a burst ulcer on his bowel and died from peritonitis if he would have gone to hospital after my concern for him he could have been operated on.

I look now and realise what a toll it took on his own life as a carer and holding down a full time job when talking to him he did say he felt like he had a breakdown and I think that what what was masking his thoughts on going to hospital. Maybe he thought once the pain had gone he would be on the up who knows sadly only him

David was a deep thinker not a big conversationalist but a wonderful brother, we shared a bedroom as kids and shared our fun & laughs he is sadly missed, do miss talking to him on the phone.

Rest in Peace David I just wished you would have spent some of that money you saved for over the years and could have started to live your life. It now looks like all your savings is going to a care home now mum is inheriting your money. 

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