Tuesday 24 May 2016

More Swimming Pond Ideas

Davids home-made filter
Early stages of mine
Air stone circulating the water
Another angle

I am an avid watcher of David Pagan Butlers YouTube videos I only wish I found him before starting our swimming pond. As mentioned before we saw on gardeners world a swimming pool being converted to a natural pool with a inside wall being built for the reed bed. My design is the same. Sadly so very wrong! this is the correct way Natural Pond the Correct Way At the time of building I never gave the water circulation any thought at all, David kindly told me about his air pump system which is kinder to wildlife. We now have a family of newts in the swimming pond & the odd frog swimming around. But I have a problem with sediment. I am experimenting with an in pool filter which is basically a dustbin with a tee piece & short pipe 18 inches deep & air stone inside, this is sucking up the water & hopefully sediment.  I also have another air stone circulating the water. Power consumption from air pump 45 watts as apposed to the 1100 watt submersible pump which kills any wildlife when sucked into the blades and expensive to run! I am still struggling with the filter  hoping David is going to come to my rescue. I have purchased PDF  for a 3 filter system but realised they use a pond pump and air pump for the media but it is well above the water line so a air lift system will not work. I know I am getting there but need a little help to show me the correct way. What I would like to do is have 3 outlets of bubbles along the side of the pond circulating the water, my thoughts are a length of 3/4 waste pipe with tee pieces in the length, blank off the ends with a air stone inside the pipe I am hoping this will work. Have got to say congratulations to David Butler on his clear water in the pond he has designed Environmental Agency

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