Wednesday 11 May 2016

Royal Signals Museum

 Nice welcome
 First form of signalling
 Early telephones
Austin 7 
 How the men would have been dressed
  Horse carrying vertical antenna and radios
 Spy sets used by SOE
 Spy radio in suitcase
D-Day Special Communication units 
On this desk I have worked with most of these tools with BT especially on the bottom left which is for joining fibre optic & to the right multiple copper cables, these are used by linesmen in the signals

On the way to Shaftesbury we passed Blandford Forum home of the Royal Signals always wanted to visit the place so decided on way back to cottage would stop off for a visit. Security was very tight with it being a working base, Licences shown more photos taken of face ID had to be worn at all times & also one in the car. Once inside the place was huge so many wonderful displays from radios to vehicles. It showcases the early work of the Royal Signals through to the modern age, I took loads of photos. Sadly it was a short visit so a good excuse to go again.

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