Tuesday 17 December 2013

200 Year Beech Down

Since our lovely three days away in Paignton we have had nothing but bad news with one after another. It all started with a close radio ham friend having a brain hemorrhage thankfully she survived the ordeal. Two ex work colleagues passed away very young one 47 the other 54. Then we had a phone call about a relation who also had a brain hemorrhage again thankfully he is also back home after many phone calls later & worrying about the situation.
To top it all we had a 200 year beech tree come down due to Ganoderma Applantum which is a fungi the trunk which came down caused a lot of damage to the fence & to a old pine tree. To completely cut it up has cost us a fortune as insurance does not cover trees or fencing! The tree surgeon stated all of the beech tree had to come down because it was rotting from the roots up! we also had another problem all the work had to be done from commons end which caused a few problems.
The damaged pine tree had a lot of beech wood sitting on it which they called Widow Makers so that had to come down in one.  

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