Thursday 19 December 2013

Killerton dressed for Christmas

 In church grounds
 Family church
 Trees decorated by local school children
 Even decorations in the grounds
 Scrooge counting house
 Victorian toy shop

December 2013 we have been in North Devon for 6 years. During this time we have enjoyed visiting National Trust Properties dressed for Christmas houses. Our favourite is Killerton House near Exeter it is the highlight of December and a lovely build up to the special day. The theme this year was Scrooge. Inside the house as you walk around there is a row of Victorian shops and every part of the house is decorated, my photos do not show the amount of work & dedication the staff & volunteers have put into it. Really was a stunning display. The weather was very kind to us and we had an enjoyable walk with our doggie Beau looking at the decorations within the grounds.

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