Tuesday 17 December 2013

Trees Cut Up

This is posting is a update about the wood being cut up & showing more of the damaged fence. Only trouble is the tree guys did leave us some very large slices which to me I call them hernia busters. We have asked them to come back but again that will cost us more money! it looks like we have enough wood for five years so going to put in a wood burner into the study/shack the heat will dissipate around the ground floor of the house that will be fitted in the new year. Last week I repaired the fence with new bearers & 8ft 4x4 post & 16 new uprights I spent an afternoon de-nailing the uprights which had been forced off with the tree fall. Even with the wood we have, at least four trailers loads went to the tree surgeons it was a huge beech tree but the view at the back of the house is so open & more light into the meadow.

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