Saturday 25 August 2012

Coast to Coast

 Walking towards Merton
 The sign says it all
Friday 24th August Had a call from our friends on Thursday night stating we are on the motorway but think we have not locked the door can you check it for us? trouble was I was sat down in the comfy chair with a glass by hand with too much been drunk to go out in the car. Said to Ros will check house on Friday & have a change of walk on Tarka Trail. Thankfully everything was locked up & their friend Emma who has animals close by was around the place & asking us what we were doing here! so they have got good neighbour hood watch which these days is essential with farm burglaries on the increase especially in the south west. The coast to coast walk is just outside Merton a small village on the A386 weather was a little cloudy & not good light for a mobile camera photo but it was humid day & Beau enjoyed the change of scenery.

The reason I have attached the photo of me in my suit at our god daughters wedding in Worcester someone said to me the other day not seen you for years & only see a small photo on Facebook or Twitter so I have attached a rare photo of me in a suit! these days with all the work I have been doing in the meadow it is normally shorts & tee-shirts with safety boots ha ha. I was telling Ros to push the chrome button on Nikon D60 when the photo was taken so not the best photo but did manage to take some nice photos of the Bride & Groom on their big day.

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