Thursday 16 August 2012

Foraging on the beach

 What a location for cricket match
 Another view with Appledore in background
 On Instow beach with Beau
View over to Crow Point lighthouse
Both fancied a relaxing day off so it was a walk on what we call the 2nd beach near Instow we have to walk past the cricket club could not resist taking a few photos with the stunning location as there was a game being played on a Thursday! Been talking to my good friend John M0JKL who is a fellow radio ham & vegetarian & he told me had been to a wedding reception & had walnut lasagne which he said was delicious so is was a search on Google & found a recipe. With a few items required it was a shop at Marshford Organics in Northam. Ros also said think will have a forage for sea cabbage on our beach walk as a side vegetable to go with the lasagne will also have home grown runner & broad beans.  


  1. We love home grown runner beans (not by us obviously), they taste so much better than shop bought ones

  2. Sally cannot beat fresh picked runner & broad beans x
